Your Business Name: *
To qualify, your business’ electric account must be on a small business B1 or A1
rate schedule
Not sure what rate schedule your business is on?
Please locate your
most recent
PG&E bill.
View our PG&E bill sample (page 3)
for where to find this information.
What rate schedule is your business on? *
Help us identify your PG&E account.
Please locate your
most recent
PG&E bill.
View our PG&E bill sample (page 3)
for where to find the required information below.
Provide the
first 10-digits only
of your PG&E
Account Number
. If your account number is 0123456789-1, only enter 0123456789. *
Provide your
Service Agreement ID
. Refer to the
PG&E Electric Service Delivery Charges
section on your bill. Not sure where to find this?
View our PG&E bill sample (page 3)
Businesses with more than one service agreement do not require additional applications. *
Please provide the following contact information that is associated with your PG&E account.
First Name: *
Last Name *
For faster processing of your MCE Cares Credit, please input your email address as listed on your PG&E account. Alternative contact emails are accepted but not preferred.
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Your preferred contact method: *
Please provide your business address where you receive MCE electricity service.
Address Line 1: *
Address Line 2 (optional):
City: *
ZIP Code (5 digits): *
If you have additional business addresses you would like to apply for, list them below.
Street Address, City, ZIP Code (optional):
Submit Form